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  1. 1-- Lines 2 to 27 are for the main calendar's help                                           üALT = Access pull-down menus                                                           5ü^L,ü^S = Toggle between the Log and Schedule modules                                     C  üTAB = Alternate among different views of the month, day, or week                       6  ü<─┘ = Zoom between monthly and daily calendar views                                        üW = Weekly view of events                                                            J    üS = Six-Month calendar (and calendar calculator for locating any day)                /    üM = Make an entry into the schedule or log                                           N    üE = Edit/Examine an entry (change date, event description, or other item)            ;    üR = Re-schedule several events from one day to another                               >    üP = Plan a  (designate the steps needed to complete a )                            7    üH = Hunt for some information and produce a report                                   L    üF = Find Free Time (search for free blocks of time in the coming weeks)              E    üC = City Times (find the local times in cities around the world)                     >    üD = Deadline list (up to 100 to-do's during next 30 days)                            H    üZ = Zip a date's completed events from the SCHEDULE to the LOG file                  >    üT = Tag an event for omission in the Omit routine (below)                            A    üO = Omit plans, s, or individual events tagged for omission                         @    üU = Utilities (customizing, backup, restore, print drivers)                          C    üI = Interval calculator (calculate the interval between dates)                       H    ü\ = Stopwatch (elapsed time in hours, minutes, seconds, hundredths)                  J   ü^E = Edit Recurring Events, Plans/Templates, Income-Expense Categories                N   ü^J = Julian date display (count days from beginning of year or other date)            O ü+  ü- = Add or subtract a number of days to/from Main Menu's highlighted date           F   üF3 (or ü0ü.ü.ü9) = Show events for only 1 designated  on calendar                    D   üF7 = Show only one 's events on main calendar, or show them all                      &    üA = AutoExecute (macro) function■                                                    *-- Lines 29 to 52 are for event entry info                                                M-> An APPOINTMENT is merely an event scheduled for a particular time and day.             M   A lunch date, for instance, would be entered as an Appointment. A DEADLINE             L   is an event for which your office is responsible.  It's character is such              M   that failing to meet it may get you into trouble (a "to-do", for instance,             M   is a deadline).  A deadline that's absolutely crucial should be entered as             M   a GOTCHA.  Training or testing should be entered as an EXERCISE.  The MIS-             J   CELLANEOUS category is a catch-all.  Example: if another office is sup-                K   posed to answer a letter by 2 May, you would enter that event as Miscel-               L   laneous, since you aren't responsible for it.  But if YOU are supposed to              L   answer a complaint by 20 May, you would enter it as a Deadline or Gotcha.              G-> Each entry consists of a date, beginning and ending times, a  and a                   K   short description of the event.  17 lines of notes may also be attached.               L-> A Reminder is an entry reminding you that an Appointment, Deadline, etc.,              M   is expected at some time in the future.  A Reminder must be set at least 1             K   day prior to the event to which it refers.  For instance, you might wish               J   to be reminded on Monday that you have an important briefing on Friday.                G   Or you might wish to be reminded that a report is due in a couple of                   J   weeks (the due date of the report would be entered as a deadline, and a                J   reminder could be set two weeks prior to that date).  Each appointment,                ;   deadline, etc., may have up to 4 reminders linked to it.                               E-> A Plan is a file that lists the expected events for a  with which                     M   you are involved. The listing contains the anticipated time intervals bet-             B   ween events. When you enter/change an event's date in the Plan,                        =    will automatically change the dates for related events.■                             #-- Lines 54 to 78 are for Plan info                                                       E-> Plans are used to chart the course that a  is expected to follow.                     M   Each Plan you use will be based upon a Template file set up with EDITX.EXE             M   (accessed by pressing ^E in the MAIN MENU).  You should establish a separ-             <   arate Template for each general category of  you handle.                              L-> Each Template (as well as each Plan derived from it) will contain a list-              G   ing of the tasks that usually take place in the type of  covered by                   K   the template.  Each line in the template file consists of a task, an ab-               L   breviation for that task, the type of task (eg: Deadline or Expectation),              J   and notes about that task.  Also included is the interval (expressed in                K   days) that is expected between that task and the directly preceding one,               K   and the date by which you expect that task to be completed.  If the task               I   is unrelated to the immediately preceding one but IS related to one of                 K   the other preceding ones, it's note entry should begin with a backslash,               M   followed immediately by the abbreviation of the related task (eg: "\inj").             M   If an item is completely unrelated to any preceding one, the interval item             M   should be left blank.  The notes item may also be left blank, if you wish,             K   but every line in the file MUST have both an abbreviation and a descrip-               4   tion.  The template file may have NO empty lines.                                      L-> When a Plan is displayed on the screen, one line will be highlighted.  To              K   select the task that you want to affect, use the arrow keys or enter the                  appropriate ABBreviation.                                                                                                                                                        LPlans and Templates are complicated subjects.  You should refer to the docu-              *mentation for a more detailed discussion.■                                                                                                                                          (-- Lines 80 to 104 are for the Omit mode                                                  I   In the Omit mode, you may omit either (S)chedule/Log items or (P)lans.                 DPress either "S" or "P" to select the sort of item you wish to omit.                                                                                                                J   If you press "P", you'll be shown a listing of the Plans that have been                Jset up on the computer.  You should enter the name of the Plan you wish to                Geliminate. If you wish to omit a Template, instead of a Plan, press the                   #<─┘ key for a listing of templates.                                                                                                                                                 M   If you press "S", you'll be given further instructions on the screen. Note             Hthat an event  may be tagged for omission by Editing it and pressing ^T.                  JAll records so tagged, and all those occurring before the cut-off date you                /choose will be omitted from the calendar file.■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             *-- Lines 106 to 130 are for the Hunt Gates                                                K-> The more gates you fill in, the more discriminating the hunt through the               L   records will be.  If you leave the gates in their default conditions, ALL              <   today's events involving ALL s and ALL s will be shown.                              G-> Hunts for s and events may be made on the basis of partial entries.                   K   For instance, if you wish to find all events involving the "Smith-1" and               D   "Smith-2" s, you will need to enter only "Smith" at item A.  All                      F   envents tied to s whose names contain the character string "Smith"                    J   would be shown to you. Included among the events reported might also be                6   those involving the "J. Smith" and "Blacksmith" s.                                    J-> Remember, any gate that is left blank will be considered open, allowing                   ANY record to pass through.                                                            L-> If you don't want deadlines reported to you, make gate F "NO" by pressing              L   the F key.  If you press the F key again, you'll change it back to "YES".              H   The same principle applies to appointments, trips, etc. (gates G..L).                  J-> The type of report produced depends upon how you have set Gate O, which                J   allows you to toggle among "Standard", "Full Screen Edit", "Time Sched-                1   uled", "Printed Calendar", "Event Chart", etc.                                         L-> To send a report to the printer attached to a specific port, tap the num-              L   ber (1, 2, or 3) of the port.  To send the report to a disk file, press P              I   until "TEXT.MX file" appears.  To send to another disk file, press ^P.                 C-> To reset all the hunt gates to their default settings, press ^R.                       5-> To begin the hunt (report generation), press <─┘.■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   )-- Lines 132 to 156 are for the Utilities                                                 LBackupData:       Will cause DOS's own BACKUP program to make data archives.                                                                                                        HRestoreData:      Will cause DOS's own RESTORE program to copy data from                  L                  an archive diskette to the hard disk, restoring your data.                                                                                                        KPrinterSelection: Will cause the PRNTDRVR program to be executed.  With it,               M                  you may specify the particular printer you use, so that the             E                  "Printed Calendar" report will be available to you.                                                                                                               KCustomizeProgram: Will take you to the customization routine, where you may               C                  specify  initials, screen colors, lines to print                       H                  per page, laser printer, 24-hour time, and prompts for                  0                  notes, priorities, and alarms.                                                                                                                                    LEditTextFiles:    Will take you to the EDITX.EXE program, where you may edit              L                  various text files, such as the ones containing Frequent &              K                  Recurring Events, Income-Expense Categories, Groups, etc.                                                                                                         DOmitData:         Will allow you to omit Scheduled and Logged items,                      2                  s, and Plans from the database.                                                                                                                                  MIndexData:        Will cause the Schedule and Log databases to be re-indexed.             I                  This is a drastic measure that should be used ONLY as a                 B                  last resort if your database becomes corrupted.■                                                                                                                  .-- Lines 158 to 182 are for the six-month view                                            J     This option will allow you to see a monthly calendar for any date you                Kdesire, from now until the year 2040.  The current month (or whatever month               Kyou've selected will appear at the top-center of the screen.  The preceding               Gmonth will appear to its left, and the next four succeeding months will                   Kappear to its right and below it.  If you wish another month to be centered               ;at the top, enter at the prompt any date during that month.                               E     You can also use the arrow keys to change the months shown.  And                     1pressing the `Home' key will return you to today.                                         I     This option is particularly useful if you want to see the day of the                 Kweek on which a particular date falls.  Assume, for instance, that you want               Lto know the day of the week for the date 55 days from now.  Simply enter to-              Kday's date, followed by "+55" (eg: "12 DEC 88 +55").  The desired date will               Ebe highlighted in the small calendar at the top center of the screen.                     M     To find the number of days between two dates, enter the first date, then             :a dash, then the second date (eg: "1 Jan 89 - 12 Mar 89").                                                                                                                          MIMPORTANT:  If you press the ESC key to return to the main calendar menu, you             Mwill return to where you left it. If, however, you press <─┘ to return to the             Mmain calendar menu, the date highlighted there will be the last date you used             Lin this routine.  Another use of this routine, therefore, is to quickly skip              #several years forward or backward.■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               /-- Lines 184 to 208 are for ^Customization info                                           @-> Initials: Enter the initials of each  for whom Appointments,                          6   Deadlines, etc., will be stored by .  Each  is an                                    ;   individual or office that you want  to track.  To enter                               A   the 's actual name at the bottom of the screen, press Ctrl-C.                         L-> Printer Port:  The parallel port (1,2) to which your printer is attached.              M-> Reset Printer: Do you want the printer to reset before preparing a report?             L-> Printer Lines per Page:  Enter the number of lines your printer is set to              K   print on each sheet of paper.  If your're unsure, just press RET to keep               M   the default setting (66).  If you're using a laser printer, enter "LASER".             >-> 24-hour Time, etc:  If this item is YES,  will use 24-hour                            @   (instead of 12-hour) time.   will also use the DD/MM/YY date                              format (instead of MM/DD/YY).                                                          ?-> Use Main Calendar Date:  If NO,  will prompt for a date be-                           @   fore taking you to the data entry screen.  If YES,  will as-                          E   sume that the new event's date should be the main calendar's date.                     M-> Batch Entries: If you regularly enter several events in a row for the same             !   date, this item should be YES.                                                         M-> Reminders: Should the program ask for reminders after an event is entered?             H-> Priorities: Should the program ask for the priority of each deadline?                  @-> Alarms: Should  prompt for an alarm when you enter an event?                          L-> Religious Dates: If you want religious dates (as well as holy days) to be              M   shown, "YES". Each selection (esp. Jewish) will slow the program slightly.             >-> Colors: Choose 's main, secondary and background colors by                            H   pressing "M", "S", amd "B" until you have the color scheme you want.■                                                                                                            --- Lines 210 to 234 are for INPUT/OUTPUT info                                             D     At your office's main computer, you can use the OUTPUT function                      Mto create a specialized copy of the data base on a diskette. The data on that             Jdiskette may then be transferred to a satellite computer.  Over time, each                Msatellite's copy of the data base will have grown as each user adds events to             Kthe schedule.  After several days (perhaps a week, or so), each satellite's               Mmodified data base should be transferred on diskette back to the main machine             Dand run through the INPUT routine. The Input routine will add to the                      Lmain computer's data base only those events which were NOT present when each              Esatellite's copy of the data base was originally Output from the main                     Hcomputer.  After all the satellites' new events have been Input into the                  Kmain computer, you're ready once again to use the Output function to create               Knew copies of the main computer's up-to-date data base.  The process starts               Cagain as these new copies are then used on each satellite computer.                                                                                                                 I     If your satellite computer has a hard drive, you'll probably want to                 Htransfer the data OUTPUT from the main computer to your satellite's hard                  Kdisk. To do so, you need to go through a satellite INPUT routine comparable               Ito that used at the main computer. Just place the diskette containing the                 Gnewly-output data into your satellite's floppy drive and press ALT-I at                   Gthe main menu.  When it's time to output data from the satellite to the                   Emain computer, press ALT-O at the satellite's main menu to access the                     OUTPUT routine.■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        *-- Lines 236 to 260 are for LOG entry info                                                K->  A SERVICE is a quantity of work performed.  A beginning and ending time                   are required.                                                                         C->  A DISBURSEMENT is an expense, money that your office has spent.                       =->  A RECEIPT is income, money that your office has received.                                                                                                                       K->  CAT is the income/expense category into which a disbursement or receipt               L    falls.  A number between 1 and 999 is required.  If you're conscientious              K    about regularly filling in this item, you'll be able to produce income-                   expense reports.■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     B-- Lines 262 to 268 are for TickleX (not Desktop Docket) Help Menu                            üQuick  Help                                                                              üRead Manual                                                                           üAbout this Software                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             /-- Lines 270 to 285 are for Credits & Copyright                                                                                                                                                                                                                               L ü┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐              M ü│                                                                        ü│             M ü│          This program is copyrighted from 1987 to 1994 by              ü│             M ü│                                                                        ü│             O ü│                         üINTEGRA üCOMPUTING                              ü│           M ü│                                                                        ü│             M ü│           910 Cobb Place Manor Drive, Marietta, GA  30066              ü│             M ü│                            404-426-5735                                ü│             M ü│                                                                        ü│             M ü│                                                                        ü│             M ü│                                                                        ü│             M ü│                                                                        ü│             M ü│                                                                        ü│             L ü└────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘                                                                                                        (Lines 288 to 310 are for the WEEKLY VIEW                                                  M     The week that appears here is initially the one containing the date that             Lwas highlighted at the Main Menu (or the one whose daily detail you had been              Iviewing).  You may change the week being shown by pressing the up or down                 Larrow, and you may move among individual days by pressing the left and right              Larrows.  Unless you press the ESC key, whatever date is highlighted when you              Lleave this module will be the one that is highlighted when you return to the              JMain Menu (or the one to whose daily detail you return at the daily view).                                                                                                          J    There are actually three weekly views, between which you may toggle by                Kpressing the TAB key.  The first view vertically breaks down each day into                Ahalf hour segments for the  whose monthly/daily calendar you had                         Kjust been viewing.  If there's time blocked off during any given half-hour,               Mthe first ten characters in the event's description will appear in that half-             (hour's block under the appropriate date.                                                                                                                                            J    The second view gives you a rough idea what time is scheduled for each                B in the firm for each day of the week.  This view might be useful                        Afor seeing how busy your firm's s are during a given week or for                         Cfinding a date on which certain s are all free for an hour or two.                                                                                                                 K    The third view will list the events for each day from Monday to Friday,               Lin priority order.  This view will give you a quick idea of what's coming up              during that week.■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      '--- Lines 315 to 329 are report options                                                    üA  Standard                                                                              üB  Short Standard                                                                        üC  Full-Screen Edit                                                                      üD  Scheduled/Logged Time                                                                 üE  Event Chart                                                                           üF  1-Week Calendar                                                                       üG  1-Month Calendar                                                                      üH  1-Year Calendar                                                                       üI  4-Year Calendar                                                                        üJ  Combo 1                                                                                üK  Combo 2                                                                                üL  Combo 3                                                                                üM  Combo 4                                                                               üN  Blank Time/Expense Log                                                                üO  Custom Report                                                                         üP  View s scheduled                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       +---Lines 345 to 365 are for ALT master menu                                               üMake a new entry                                                                         üEdit/Examine an entry                                                                    üHunt/Report information                                                                  üFind free time                                                                           ───────────────────────────                                                               
  2. üWeek view                                                                                üSix-month view (and calc)                                                                ü1/all s displayed                                                                       üDisplay 1 or all s                                                                      ───────────────────────────                                                               üPlan a sequence of events                                                                üRe-schedule several events                                                               üTag an event for omission                                                                üOmit plans or tagged events                                                              ───────────────────────────                                                               üJulian date function                                                                     üAutoExecute macros                                                                       ───────────────────────────                                                                üX-it (Exit)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                I-- Lines 370 to 380 are for ALT edit {FOR TX see line 690 for MT-TRACKER}                 üRecurring events                                                                          üList of s                                                                               üGroups                                                                                   üMacros                                                                                       üTemplate                                                                                 üPlan                                                                                     üCustom reports                                                                           üIncome-Expense cats                                                                      üFile (ASCII text)                                                                        ───────────────────                                                                       üOmit                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   )---Lines 385 to 393 are for ALT utilities                                                 üCustomize program                                                                        üPrinter selection                                                                        üDatabase indexing                                                                         üBackup data                                                                              üRestore data                                                                             üManual printing                                                                          üFigure interval                                                                          üInput from                                                                               üOutput to                                                                               üExecute DOS command                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              $---Lines 400 to 412 are for ALT view                                                      üAlternate month/day view                                                                 
  3. üWeek view                                                                                ü6 month view (and calc)                                                                  üToDo's (deadlines)                                                                       ───────────────────────────                                                               ü1/all s displayed                                                                       üDisplay 1 or all s                                                                      ───────────────────────────                                                                üJulian date                                                                              üMiscellaneous date info                                                                  
  4. üStopwatch                                                                                 ü+  add days                                                                              ü-  subtract days                                                                                                                                                                   /---Lines 415 to 431 are for ALT Primary Options                                           üMake a new entry                                                                         üEdit/Examine an entry                                                                    üHunt/Report information                                                                  üFind free time                                                                           ───────────────────────────                                                               üPlan a sequence of events                                                                üRe-schedule several events                                                               ───────────────────────────                                                               üTag an event for omission                                                                üOmit plans or tagged events                                                              ───────────────────────────                                                               üSwitch between log/schedule                                                              üZip scheduled events to log                                                              ───────────────────────────                                                               üAutoExecute macros                                                                       ───────────────────────────                                                                üX-it (Exit)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ;-- Lines 440 to 514 are for secondary Customization Options                               C-> When entering event, copy ... :  The  file may contain not only                       B   the  number, but also a description (e.g.: name, phone #).  If                        >   you'd like  to copy this description into an event's notes                            =   whenever you enter an event relating to a , answer "YES".                             C   This option is meaningless if you're using ProTrak or BillPower.                       ?-> Allow exiting  directly from the Daily View:  Normally, you                           J   can exit the program only from the Monthly View calendar.  If, however,                J   you wish to be able to enter and exit directly from the Daily View, an-                   swer "YES".                                                                            ?-> Save Hunt Gate settings:  Normally,  will set its Hunt Gate                           L   settings to the standard defaults whenever you enter the program.  If you              L   would prefer to use the settings as they existed when you last exited the                 program, answer "YES".                                                                 <-> "Standard" reports to be double-spaced:  Normally,  will                              J   issue 2 line feeds between each event shown on the Standard report.  If                K   you wish to conserve paper, answer "NO" here, so that there will be only                  ONE linefeed between events.                                                           L-> Include even empty days on "Standard" reports:  Standard reports normally              K   do not list a date for those days that have no events scheduled.  If you               L   would like even blank days to at least be listed on Standard reports, an-                 swer "YES" here.                                                                       J-> Include notes on "Combo" reports:  Combo reports normally include event                I   notes, where appropriate.  If you want to fit more events (but without                 .   notes) onto the Combo Reports, answer "NO".                                            K-> Include each day's detail in Main Menu calendars:  The Main Menu monthly               J   calendars normally have detail filled into each day's block.  For large                J   databases, painting the calendar can take more time than you want (per-                G   haps up to 5 or 10 seconds), since each day's data must be organized                   I   before it's displayed.  If you wish to save time by skipping the daily                    detail, answer "NO".                                                                   ?->  is being used to schedule for only one person:  If you an-                           H   swer "YES" here, you can save a little time when you fill in an event                  A   record, since you needn't be asked which  is being scheduled.                         J-> At morning startup, pause for each old deadline:  Normally, the program                K   automatically moves each past-due Deadline, Gotcha, and Reminder forward               @   to each new day.  If you would perfer to have  ask you about                          <   each such event during the morning startup, answer "YES".                              H-> Name to use for projects, jobs, clients, etc.:  If you don't like the                  E   term "Project" to indicate each client, job, etc., that you may be                     )   scheduling, select a word of your own.                                                 M-> There are three types of events whose names you may change: GOTCHAs, EXER-             M   CISEs, and MISCELLANEOUS events.  To give each a different name, just type             M   the name you want.  Whatever the name you substitute for GOTCHA, the event             K   type will have the characteristics of GOTCHAs and DEADLINEs (eg: they'll               M   be automatically brought forward from day to day).  If you change the name             L   of MISCELLANEOUS or EXERCISE, the traits of the event will become similar              %   to those of ordinary APPOINTMENTs.                                                     L-> TDY & Leave:  Military offices may find these references more appropriate                  than "trips" and "vacations".                                                          H-> Employees/Departments:  How should the program refer to the people or                     offices in your firm?                                                                  M-> Workday Begin and End Times:  Whenever you ask the program to find a block             M   of free time, it needs to know how early and how late you want it to check             M   each day. Without reasonable begin and end times, the program would always             (   find time in the middle of the night.                                                  I-> Partition Interval: When the program prepares certain "Combo" reports,                 K   it needs to know how many partitions should be printed per hour.  If you               G   desire two partitions, enter "30" minutes; enter "15" for four, "10"                      for six, etc.                                                                          M-> Show Partitions on Standard Reports:  Normally, the program does not waste             M   space in displaying partition lines on its standard reports.  If, however,             I   you want it to partition each day into half- or quarter-hourly blocks,                    answer "YES" at this item.                                                             =-> Password:   If you wish to keep other people out of your                              @   data, answer "YES".  The next time you come into , you'll be                          L   asked to select a password.  Every time you thereafter enter the program,              *   you'll have to enter the same password.                                                >-> Even while Memory-Resident:  If you're using  as a memory-                            I   resident program, and you want to be asked for your password even when                 I   popping into the program with the hotkey, answer "YES".  If the answer                 @   to the "Password" prompt is "NO", you MUST answer "NO" here.■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        (-- Lines 515 to 543 are for CASES module                                                      - FIELDS:                                                                                 K-> You'll be expected to give each field a name (eg: "SS Number", "Spouse",               M   or "Salary").  If you wish to "erase" a field, leave the name field blank.             J-> The fields also need to be categorized as Alphamumeric-type, Date-type,                   Number-type, or Money-type:                                                            I-> A Date field will be allowed to hold only dates (eg: "21 JUN 91"), and                 ;    will check to make sure that each date entry here is a                               K   real date.  When you do hunts throuth the database, the program will ask               M   you to specify a range of dates by which this this field will be analyzed.             L-> A Number field may hold only integers (eg: 1, 27, 9), while a Money field              K   may hold only monetary values (eg: 1.00, 2.35, 23.48).  When you perform               <   hunts through the database,  will allow you to specify a                              C   range of values by which these types of fields will be analyzed.                       G-> Alphanumeric is any type other than a Number-, Date-, or Money-type.                                                                                                             L-> SORT:  Sort your data into any order before preparing a report.  Data can              "   be sorted by up to five fields.                                                        L-> DIALING PARAMETERS:  Designate the communications port through which your              M   modem is attached to the computer.  Also select (T)one or (P)ulse dialing,             K   as well as a dialing sequence that will always be sent to the modem just               M   before a telephone number is dialed (useful if you're using a PBX system).                 system).                                                                               ?-> RENAME:  If you don't like "", choose another name for this                               module.■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (-- Lines 545 to 573 are for CASES module                                                  E-> Though a " Number" may consist of any alphanumeric sequence up to                     I   12 characters long, you should keep it as short as possible.  If, when                 B   Editing, you forget a  Number, you may press F1 for a listing.                                                                                                                  H-> Most fields are self-explanatory. "RespPerson" is the initials of the                  F   person handling this .  "Priority" is single number or letter that                    C   tells you how important this  is.  "Cat" is the category number                       C   or abbreviation into which this  falls (F1 will give you a list                       A   of choices -- which may be customized with the EDITX program).                         A   " Name" will probably be the name of the company whose record                         J   you're filling out, while "Contact Name" will be the name of the person                Z   with whom you deal. "Title" is your contact's position within the company.  "Assistant"C   "Salutation" is the manner in which you want to address the  in                       H   letters you send (eg: Dear Mr. Smith).  "Ext" is the phone extension.                                                                                                            K-> Pressing ^S, ^L, or ^N will allow you to temporarily visit the Schedule,               8   Log or Notes module and then return to this  screen.                                                                                                                            @-> When you press ^D (Ctrl-D) to auto-dial a client,  will pick                          K   the phone number from the "Phone" field.  After your party has answered,               @   you may cause your modem to hang up by pressing ^H (Ctrl-H).■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          (-- Lines 575 to 598 are for CASES module                                                  I-> The more hunt gates you fill in, the more discriminating the hunt will                 H   be.  Before you begin, make sure that you've selected the appropriate                  5   Type of Report and the desired Report Destination.                                                                                                                               I-> Gates I through Q are for the user-customizable fields.  If you select                 K   one of that corresponds to a date-, number-, or money-type field, you'll               G   be expected to enter a range of values (low to high) that you'd like                       to check.                                                                                                                                                                      J-> Before you begin the hunt, make sure that you select the type of report                   you want at gate R.                                                                    M  - The "Standard" report consists of one-line summarizations of each record.             J  - The "Full-Screen Edit" report isn't really a report; rather, it allows                G    you to view each  record and edit as if you were in the Edit mode.                   E  - The " Addresses & Phones" report will give you a listing of each                     9    , his address, phone, and miscellaneous information.                                 I  - "Labels and Envelopes" allows you to make a mailing lable or envelope                     for each .                                                                           C  - "Letters to s" allows you to prepare many printouts of a short                       ,    letter, each addressed to a different .                                              G  - "Custom Reports" are also available.  Please read about them in the                        documentation.■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          (-- Lines 600 to 618 are for CASES module                                                      M = Make a new                                                                       *         - here, you open a new 's record                                                    E = Edit/Examine an old                                                              F         - here, you may also see the 's own schedule, log, and notes                    1    H = Hunt for some  info and produce a report                                         F         - here, you may sort through the database in a number of ways                        U = Utilities                                                                         E         - here, you may set dialing parameters and headings for each                     I           record's nine user-customizable fields, or you may rename this                             module                                                                       C    O = Omit all s that have been individually tagged for omission                       A         - a  may be tagged for omission when you're editing its                                    record                                                                                                                                                                   %   ^S = Switch to the Schedule module                                                         ^L = Switch to the Log module                                                          #   ^N = Switch to the Notes module■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           (-- Lines 620 to 648 are for NOTES module                                                  MAKE/EDIT/EXAMINE...                                                                      H-> After filling in the date and  number (if appropriate), you may have                  J   a full 17 lines for the body of the note.  ^B will reformat the note so                L   that all of its lines are of approximately the same length. Press the F10              L   key when you wish to save the note move on to the next one.  Press ESC to              (   save the note and return to the menu.                                                                                                                                            HUNT...                                                                                   M-> The more hunt gates you fill in, the more discriminating the hunt will be.             K   Before you begin, make sure that you've selected the appropriate Type of               -   Report and the desired Report Destination.                                                                                                                                       I   You will note that one Hunt Gate allows you to hunt by a character se-                 L   quence contained in the first line of the note, while another gate allows              L   a search for the character sequence in ANY of the note's 17 lines.  Since              I   hunting through one line is faster than searching through 17, the hunt                 J   will go more quickly if you select Gate C (1st line) than if you select                M   Gate B (any line).  If you consistently put the most likely indexing words             M   (such as Key numbers or the parties involved in meetings or conversations)             K   on the first line of your notes, subsequent hunts for those words can be               L   run faster by selecting Gate C.  You should use Gate B only if you aren't              ?   sure of the lines on which your character sequences appear.■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ----Lines 650 to 657 are for ALT menu in CASES                                             üMake a new                                                                                  üEdit a                                                                                      üView/a                                                                                  üHunt/Report information                                                                  ───────────────────────────                                                               üOmit s                                                                                  ───────────────────────────                                                                üX-it (Exit)                                                                                                                                                                        ----Lines 660 to 664 are for ALT menu in NOTES                                             üMake a new Note                                                                          üEdit/Examine a Note                                                                      üHunt/Report information                                                                  ───────────────────────────                                                                üX-it (Exit)                                                                                                                                                                        7---Lines 667 to 674 are for ALT-Utilities menu in CASES                                   üDialing parameters                                                                       üField headings                                                                           üName this module                                                                         üSort s                                                                                      üIndex s                                                                                  üBackup data                                                                              üRestore data                                                                             üExecute DOS command                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              &---Lines 680 to 685 for Hunt Type list                                                    üA  Continuous Chronological                                                              üB  Day-By-Day                                                                            üC  Day-By-Day, -by-                                                                    üD  Priority Order                                                                        "üE  Priority Order, -By-Day, -By-                                                        
  5. üF  -by-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              N-- Lines 690 to 699 are for ALT edit for MT-TRACKER (see line 370 for TICKLEX}            üRecurring events                                                                         üGroups                                                                                   üMacros                                                                                       üTemplate                                                                                 üPlan                                                                                     üCustom reports                                                                           üIncome-Expense cats                                                                      üFile (ASCII text)                                                                        ───────────────────                                                                       üOmit                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             7-- Lines 705 to 724 are for CUSTOM REPORT info in EDITX                                   I  The Custom Report consists of comment lines and data line.  The comment                 Mlines begin and end with curly brackets, "{" and "}".  Each comment line will             ;tell you what is expected in the data line(s) following it.                               M  Note that you may NEVER add or delete any comment lines, nor may you change             IANYTHING on a comment line.  However, you may do anything to a data line.                 K  Each data line consists of letters, words, and/or tilde codes, summarized               Lbelow.  The numbers in parentheses indicate the MINIMUM space you MUST allow              Jfor each item (for instance, you must allow at least 9 spaces for a date).                                                                                                           Event items:                                                                              M                                        ~j=event type (eg: appointment, etc.)             :~k=beginning date (9)                   ~l=ending date (9)                                :~m=beginning time (5)                   ~n=ending time (5)                                7~o=department/employee (3)              ~p=project (12)                                   5~q=event description (37)               ~r=notes (56)                                     :                                        ~R=carriage return                                 Hunt items:                                                                               B~s=beginning date of hunt (9)           ~t=ending date of hunt (9)                        I~u=specific department being hunted (3) ~v=specific date being hunted (9)                 J                                        ~w=day of week of hunted date (3)■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        /-- Lines 730 to 749 are for GROUP info in EDITX                                           L   Departments/employees may be grouped together for mass schedulings.  This              Iprogram will track up to 20 departments/employees.  It will also track 20                 Kgroups, each of which may consist of up to 20 departments/employees.  When-               Jever you schedule a group, you will effectively be scheduling each of it's                Kconstituent departments/employees.  Whenever you hunt through the data base               Lfor a group's activities, you will, in effect, be hunting for the activities              2of that group's constituent departments/employees.                                                                                                                                  M   To set up a group, enter a unique 1- to 3-character abbreviation under the             I"ABB" heading.  Then hit the tab key to align the cursor for the entry of                 Fthat group's constituent departments/employees. As you're entering the                    Fdepartments, separate each by a slash, "/".  Note that a group may not                     contain another group.  Example:                                                                                                                                                    .ABB  --- CONSTITUENT DEPARTMENTS/EMPLOYEES ---                                            gp1  stb/gm/lta/prs                                                                        gp2  stb/mkr                                                                              gp3  tup/dst/prs                                                                          gp4  dst/stb/gm                                                                           1gp5  gm/gp1    WRONG! -- gp1 is, itself, a group■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 2-- Lines 755 to 774 are for Template info in EDITX                                        L   Each Plan should be based upon a Template that has been established prev-              Kiously.  Every line in a Template file MUST have both an abbreviation and a               Ldescription. The Template file may have no completely empty lines.  Example:                                                                                                        I   ABB  -------DESCRIPTION-------  INT   TYP  DATE  ---NOTES-------------                                                                                                           +   INJ  Injury                            -                                               +   CMP  File complaint                    -                                               +   ANS  Expect answer              30     E                                               8   SL   Stat Of Limitations runs   730    D         inj\                                                                                                                            MThe first line reflects an injury.  The next line is for the filing of a com-             Mplaint. It has no interval item because the date on which it is to take place             Mis not necessarily related to the date of the injury. The third line reflects             Ithat an answer is expected 30 days after the complaint is filed. The last                 Iline indicates that the statute of limitations expires 730 days after the                 Minjury takes place.  The "inj\" in the notes item ties the SL interval to the             Jfirst line, which begins with "INJ".  Were in not for the "inj\" notation,                Lthe last line's interval would be assumed to be tied to the immediately pre-              Gceding line (the "ANS" line).  See the documentation for more details.■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           9-- Lines 780 to 799 are for RECURRING EVENT info in EDITX                                 M  Each item on each line must line up exactly under it's column heading.  Use             Lthe tab key to align the cursor at the correct positions.  If an item is not              Kapplicable, just leave it blank and move on to the next item.  If, for ins-               Ktance, the beginning and ending times aren't important, skip them.  The TYP               Litem contemplates your entering the type of event contained on the line (eg:              KAppointment, Deadline, Expectation).  The EMP item is for the ID number (or               Iinitials) of the employee or department to whom the line's event applies.                 K  The last several items correspond to the days of the week, Sunday through               MSaturday. These items are used if the event you are entering occurs on a spe-             Kcific day of the week, rather than on a specific date in the month.  If the               Levent always occurs on a Wednesday, for example, you would make an entry di-              Mrectly below the "W". The entry you make must be a number between 0 and 6. If             Lthe event always falls on the first Monday of the month, enter a "1" beneath              Mthe "M". If it falls on the third Friday, enter a "3" below "F". If it occurs             MEVERY Wednesday, enter a "0" under the "W".  If an event occurs on the second             Kand fourth Mondays, enter two separate lines identical in every way, except               Lthat one should list a "2" below the "M", while the second should list a "4"              Mbelow the "M".   A "0" indicates an occurrence on the same day EVERY week.  A             I"6" indicates an occurrence only on the LAST specified day of each month.                 E  Holidays, and ONLY holidays, should begin with exclamation points.■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             5-- Lines 805 to 829 are for INC/EXPENSE file in EDITX                                     L  Fill in a CAT (category) and short DESCRIPTION for each type of income and              1expense.  The CAT must be a number from 1 to 999.                                         5  Note that there may be no blank lines in this file■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 0-- Lines 831 to 833 are for MAKE routine choices                                          üService                                                                                  üDisbursement                                                                             üReceipt                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    0-- Lines 840 to 848 are for MAKE routine choices                                           üAppointment                                                                                  üDeadLine                                                                                 ü                                                                                        ü                                                                                        ü                                                                                        ü                                                                                            üReminder                                                                                 ü                                                                                        üClone                                                                                    üPlan                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             5-- Lines 855 to 862 are for UTILITIES routine choices                                     
  6. üCustomize                                                                                üBackup                                                                                   üRestore                                                                                      üPrinters                                                                                 üManual                                                                                       üEditText                                                                                 üOmit                                                                                     üIndex